Dogs For Sale

Available Dogs and Sold

Bed Bug Detection K9 for SALE
Drug Detection K9 for SALE
Drug Detection Sold
Drug Detection Sold
Explosive Detection K9 -SOLD
Drug Detection K9 SOLD
Drug Detection K9 SOLD
Drug Detection K9 SOLD
Drug Detection K9 -SOLD
Bed Bug Detection K9 SOLD
Drug Detection K9 SOLD
Accelerant Detection K9 SOLD

Our Selection Process

Our trained dogs for sale are hand selected to provide the best match for the assignment specified by our clients. ATS K9 has been selling top quality working dogs for the past 25 years. Our specialty is detection dogs, bed bugs, explosive, drugs, accelerant. The detection dogs we sell are trained and ready for certification in the following fields.


Dogs we train and sell come from the following breeds. These breeds are better because of their ability to hunt. We use that ability to train them for the odor selected

Our dogs come from vendors that have reliable reputations. They are not rescue dogs or donations.

When purchasing a K9 our price includes

Contact us for more information on the pricing and information on the K9’s for sale

Detection Dog Training

We hand select and train each dog for 6 to 8 weeks in the areas obedience and odor recognition concentrating on industry standard odors. Additional odors are added by client request.

Conducting drug or explosive searches are physically and mentally challenging. It is important that the dog and handler are fit for the work. Our rigorous screening requires the selection of dogs to be clear of physical and psychological defects.

Using this 2 part training process we are able to deliver a ready for certification detection dog faster without distraction. Integrating the handler once the dog has complete training is a smoother process and offers our clients a tremendous saving of time and cost.

Canine Selection

We base our selection on the performance capabilities of the individual not gender. They are selected for their environmental and social soundness. All dogs chosen have demonstrated high drives to perform at top levels and can work with complete focus under distractions.

Having a dog that is sound physically and mentally assures the buyer that the dog is free of any defects which would hinder their performance. Environmental soundness means that the dog is outgoing and confident in unfamiliar situations and surroundings i.e. loud noises, slippery floors.


Drug Detection K9. 1 yr old – Passive indication

Do you have a detection dog question?

Contact us for more information and pricing